Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ok, so I'm a pretty terrible blogger. I mean, really, it's been a month. I'll try to be better. I swear.

A lot happens in a month. Like P growing 2 inches. And weighing over 11 pounds. Or J bringing up grades in two classes. It's been a great month.

My funny Valentine
Prettier than flowers

Erick has had an exceptional month at work. Our store is really doing well and seeing a lot of business, even though it's the off-season for golf. Check out! Best deals around!

I went back to work two weeks ago, and it was so hard to leave P! It is nice to do something else for a few hours, but I can't wait to come home to him. He is growing so fast, I dont want to miss any of it! He is so close to laughing and he is happy all the time. He also wants to suck his thumb more than anything, but can't quite figure it out. Any day now...
Bestest buddies
J had her first band concert! It was really impressive. She plays the clarinet and is very good at hitting all of her fingering and notes. I am really proud of her. She also has really been working hard in school. J and B have a new obsession with Skyhigh - an indoor trampoline park down the road from us! They love it!

So, there you have it. I updated the blog. We now know that I can make time to do this at least once a month.... but I'll try for more.